President’s Corner: September 2023

Colleen Hunter, WSMTA President

Greetings! My name is Colleen Hunter and I look forward to being your WSMTA President! Thank you for joining me on this journey and engaging in conversation and action.  I look forward to our chapter visits over the next two years and meeting you, the members.

With each June conference comes a rotation of some WSMTA board positions. Thank you to the on-going dedication of these officers:  Karen Hollenback, NCTM, Immediate Past President, now joining the Education Board; Kathy Mortensen, Immediate Past President; Kira Miller, NCTM, President-Elect; Amanda Harris, NCTM, Vice-President; Krista Seely, completed term as Education Board Chair; Michelle Mielke, NCTM, Education Board Chair; District II Director: Katie Levine; District VI Director: Ben Walley.  Thank you to Amanda Harris and Margo Cox who served as District II and VI Directors, respectively. Mary Foster Grant, NCTM, continues as WSMTA Treasurer for another term.

It is a pleasure having Kirsten Carlson back with us as Administrative Coordinator.  Working remotely from Canada, but joining us annually in June, she brings a global association vibe!

Our 2023 June conference, chaired by Carol Cross and Lois Rhoads, was a splendid success. Their team worked diligently throughout the year planning for “Collaboration in the Cascades” at Sun Mountain Lodge. A host of volunteers, helpers, student and professional performers, and presenters made the three days a refreshing and informative time for our membership. Our 2024 conference, chaired by Lois Rhoads and Dorothy Bauer, will be at Gonzaga University in Spokane. Ask them how to be a part of the “dream team!”

While I am not new to WSMTA, I am new to this particular role. I am guessing some of you feel the same way with your roles as they have shifted with the start of a new season.  Something in every interaction with WSMTA or connection with someone a part of WSMTA has helped me in my journey to this point.  Now our collaboration will inform, enrich, and inspire us individually and collectively. I look forward to meeting you, the members who make this organization what it is. From the youngest to the oldest, the smallest chapter to the largest, the most remote or the closest chapter or member, I look forward to a dialogue about what gives you purpose and vision and how our association can come alongside our efforts to bring beauty to our lives, to our students, and to the families and communities we touch.

Keep moving forward!

Colleen Hunter, NCTM
WSMTA President


As part of your planning for this school year, log in to the WSMTA website.  Check your profile to make sure it is up-to-date, (add NCTM if you are nationally certified), reset your password.  You will be ready to register your students for MAP and other WSMTA events.