WSMTA offers grants for teachers, students, and WSMTA chapters.
Caroline Allen Certification Grant
WSMTA will reimburse one half of the certification application fee for WSMTA members who successfully apply for MTNA Certification. Documentation that the member has applied and paid MTNA must be submitted to the WSMTA Certification Chair Rose Freeman, NCTM using the Certification Grant Application Form (see button below). Requests for grants must be made prior to receiving NCTM designation.
Apply for the Certification GrantCollegiate to Active Member Dues Grant
A 50% discount for one year on state dues, will be offered to a collegiate member changing status from collegiate to active upon graduation from college. Please contact the WSMTA Administrative Coordinator.

Conference Registration Fee Grant
Registration fee grants for attendance at the WSMTA Conference may be granted to members and/or students. All names/information will be kept confidential.Contact the WSMTA Administrative Coordinator if you have any question.
Apply for the Conference Registration Fee GrantState Membership Dues Grant
Applicant must demonstrate a financial need. If awarded, the applicant would not pay WSMTA dues for that year but would still be responsible for National and Chapter dues. Contact the WSMTA Administrative Coordinator if you have any questions.
Apply for the State Membership Dues GrantFOR STUDENTS
Lois Whitner Study Grant
This grant is to provide financial assistance for continued private study to committed music students who demonstrate a financial need. The grant may only be used to offset the cost of music lessons, theory or composition classes, or tuition for music camps. For guidelines and more information click on the links below or contact Connie Hungate, WSCTM.
Learn more about the Lois Whitner Sudy Grant
Music Artistry Program Grant
The WSMTA board of directors has set aside money to enable teachers to enter low-income, deserving students in the the Music Artistry Program. Applications for these grants are made by the teacher on behalf of the student(s). Teachers are asked to limit their applications to students with real financial need (max. of two students per teacher). WSMTA MAP Grants will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis.
This program is aimed at students of teachers who do not participate in MusicLink. MusicLink students should continue to apply in the usual way.
Music Literacy Program Grant
The Music Literacy Program began in 2007-08 as the Musicianship Examinations and is designed to be a suggested curriculum of independent music study. This curriculum is coupled with an annual evaluation sponsored by WSMTA local associations.
The WSMTA board of directors has set aside money to enable teachers to enter low-income, deserving students in the the Music Literacy Program. Applications for these grants are made by the teacher on behalf of the student(s). Teachers are asked to limit their applications to students with real financial need (max. of two students per teacher). WSMTA Music Literacy Program Grants will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis.
This program is aimed at students of teachers who do not participate in MusicLink. MusicLink students should continue to apply in the usual way.
District Discretionary Grant
To support our teachers, WSMTA makes $300 per district per year available for use in creative ways. Some chapters choose to bring in a clinician for a special presentation to keep teachers apprised of new methods or research. Some chapters use the money for equipment to benefit their programs – a microphone for recording or virtual events, for example. Other districts use the money for space for a recital.
The $300 can be used by one chapter, split between chapters, or used to augment a district-wide event.
Please contact your District Director for more information.
District Conference Grant
WSMTA will assist with a grant of up to $500 to help support District Conferences.
Learn more about the District Conference Grant