MAP: Visiting Artists

How do I become a Visiting Artist?

Please contact Jason Kuo, WSMTA MAP Chair, to request an application.  

What are the qualifications for a keyboard Visiting Artist?

Keyboard Visiting Artists must have been certified as Nationally Certified Teachers of Music (NCTM) by MTNA and must continue to maintain an active status. Keyboard Visiting Artist applicants will need to submit a completed application form along with a resume which includes your teaching experience, adjudicating experience, and participation in musical organizations. Also required is a bio and/or vitae and two letters of recommendation, one of which (if possible) should be from a current WSMTA Visiting Artist, and both from music professionals who are familiar with your teaching. The Application, Bio/Vitae and Letters of Recommendation will be presented for consideration to the Education Board and their next scheduled meeting.

What are the qualifications for a non-keyboard Visiting Artist?

Non-Keyboard Visiting Artist applicants will need to submit a completed application form along with a resume which includes your teaching experience, adjudicating experience, and participation in musical organizations. Also required is a bio and/or vitae and two letters of recommendation, one of which (if possible) should be from a current WSMTA Visiting Artist, and both from music professionals who are familiar with your teaching. The Application, Bio/Vitae and Letters of Recommendation will be presented for consideration to the Education Board and their next scheduled meeting. To be accepted as a visiting artist, each individual must preferably possess a minimum of a Bachelor Degree or equivalent experience, be a member of WSMTA/MTNA or hold membership in an equivalent association, and have observed 4 hours of evaluation of any instrument.