Music Literacy Program: March 2024

Melanie Stroud, WSMTA Music Literacy Program Chair

‘Tis the season for the Music Literacy Program!

Testing is happening all over the state, in these next few months. Students are learning, and the MLP is here to help you assess that learning! I can hardly believe how user-friendly the website is, for finding everything you need as a teacher or as a chapter chair. The tests remain password protected, in order to maintain the integrity of our program, and things are running smoothly. One thing that may not have come to your chapter’s attention is the fact that the Ed Board decided to once again provide certificates. We had attempted to have chapters print their own off the website last year, but you spoke and we listened! Many chapters picked up packets of certificates at the State Leadership Conference in Yakima in September, but if your chapter still needs certificates, just shoot me an email! I have certificates and seals ready to go in the mail as needed, and am happy to send them your way. Happy testing!