Here we are in the middle of the beautiful trifecta of celebrations: November brings us pause for our blessings; December sounds a call for joyful music and delivers a visual feast of lights as well as invites moments of peace and calm in the winter stillness; January offers reflection and hope for a new year with promise and potential.
Here are some reflections and hopes for WSMTA for 2025:
Reflections brimming with gratefulness:
For a successful 2024 MTNA-WSMTA Competition in November, chaired by Julie Swienty, NCTM and Vice-President Amanda Harris, and Coordinators Laura Curtis (Young Artist), Mary Kaye Owen (Senior), and Kim Bowman (Junior) and a host of volunteers! The “MTNA Café” was again tastefully and efficiently managed by Preta Laughlin. (Yummy!)
For a successful 2024 OAPC Competition in November, chaired by Cherie Felts, along with OAPC’s new chair, Amora Bussey and their volunteer help: Patti Robertson, NCTM, Jani Stoehr, NCTM, and Michelle Mielke, NCTM. A new award for the best performance for an underrepresented composer was given to a Junior and a Senior performer!
For the stellar and sophisticated performances by participants in all categories – Piano, String, Woodwind. For their teachers who carefully mentor and guide the learning process. For the families who support, coach, travel, contribute with time and finance. For the judges who listen, write, deliberate, decide.
For the Seattle Chapter being selected as the 2024 MTNA Local Association of the Year!! They will be honored at the 2025 MTNA Conference in Minneapolis. Cheers for the outstanding programs, presentations, plans throughout the year that impressed the MTNA Board.
The present with joyful collaboration:
For the fun and festive holiday recitals and performances at schools, universities, and home studios. For Christmas and holiday music that allows creativity, arranging, improvising.
For the opportunities to share with family, friends, community centers and gatherings.
Looking ahead with hope and promise:
For the 2025 MTNA Conference, March 15-19, in Minneapolis, Minnesota!
We will support our Washington State competition winners in composition and performance that move into the national rounds. We will congratulate Cinda Redman, NCTM, as the WSMTA Foundation Fellow. We will cheer Josie Zocco as she accepts the 2025 MTNA Local Association of the Year award for the Seattle Chapter. We will provide grand applause for Peter Mack, NCTM, as he completes his term as MTNA President.
Wishing each of you a generous and blessed year!
Colleen Hunter, NCTM
WSMTA President