Cherie Felts Receives 2024 Honorary Life Membership Award

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WSMTA’s 2024 Honorary Life Membership Award was presented to Cherie Felts during the state conference’s banquet in Spokane. Cherie has been an incredible supporter of WSMTA. She has been an active and responsible Olympia chapter member for many years. Her positions have included MAP Chair, Concerto Competition Chair, Sonatina Festival and Master Lessons Chair, and Olympia MTA President. 

Cherie Felts, 2024 Honorary Life Membership Award Recipient

Cherie co-chaired the state conference held in Olympia in 2010. Cherie also became known as the Flower Girl and has since served as the Floral Chair for our state conferences held in western Washington.

In 2015, Cherie was asked to step in as Chair for WSMTA’s Outstanding Artist Piano Competition. She says it has been a joy and pleasure to get to work with the Judges and supportive folks, as well as to see familiar student and parent faces as they return to move through the Junior and Senior Divisions. This year celebrates the 20th year for these competitions!

As recipient of the HLM Award, Cherie will never again have to pay her state dues, waived by WSMTA, nor her national dues, paid for by WSMTA! Her name will be added onto the special plaque displayed annually at the state conference, and her own special page will be added to the HLM Scrapbook.

Congratulations, Cherie!

Roz Nau, Honorary Life Member Chair