President’s Corner: November 2023

Colleen Hunter, NCTM, WSMTA President

Thoughts From Your President

It is amazing that the colors and changes inherent in nature have been in place, waiting for the right time to deliver. It reminds me that the fall events in our studios, chapters, state association and lives have been worked out through weeks and months of planning, details prepared, ready for the right time to deliver.

And we have enjoyed some terrific fall events! First and second monthly chapter meetings have taken place. I have had the privilege of meeting with three chapters so far — absolutely wonderful members — engaged, hard-working, generous, compassionate for their members, students, communities.

Registrations for the Music Literacy Program (MLP) are in. District Conference I/II recently took place thanks to the leadership of District Director Kay Zavislak. District VII Conference is coming up in mid-November in Spokane, thanks to District Director Greg Presley.

The WSMTA MTNA Competition and Outstanding Artist Piano Competition are in high gear for the weekend of November 11 at CWU. The Leadership Seminar in September was superbly handled by President-elect Kira Miller. Not only did we hear from and meet with our local leadership, but had opportunity to hear from our MTNA Executive Director and CEO, Gary Ingle, as well as, our MTNA President, Peter Mack.

In September, I represented WSMTA at the MTNA Summit, a leadership weekend similar to our leadership seminar.  The 2023 Local Leadership Seminar, an online summary of the MTNA Summit, is available here.

As we continue with our fall activities, here are a couple of take-aways from our leadership events: What is a change you would love to see in your life? What activities give you joy?

Enjoy the beauty of the season and the wonder of our music opportunities!

Colleen Hunter, NCTM