Music Literacy Program: Fall 2023 Updates

Melanie Stroud, WSMTA Music Literacy Program Chair

As I sit writing this article, sipping a pumpkin spice latte, I hope that you all are enjoying the beginning of fall as much as I am! The new year is underway, students are learning and thriving, and I am looking forward to this year’s Music Literacy Program! The biggest changes to the program this year involve our amazing WSMTA website and the dynamic duo of Mary Grant and Kirsten Carlson. If you are your chapter’s MLP chair, everything you could possibly need is right at your fingertips on our website!

Mary Grant has created a Chapter Chair Checklist to make sure you don’t forget any steps. The online Chapter Questionnaire lets us know when your event will be held, when you want your registration open, and what areas of testing you are planning to offer. Once your registration window opens, your teachers go to the “register students” button and take care of that. When your registration closes, you send them back to the website to pay! (Make sure you set a firm deadline for that, so you can get your chapter rebate promptly!) When the payment window closes, you fill out the “Chapter Rebate Request,” and we get things handled on our end to get you your money so you can pay for your event!

When your whole splendid affair has ended, you fill out the “Chapter Participation Profile,” to let me know how everything went. This form goes to me, Samantha Yeung and Kirsten Carlson. I send out gold seals for your students who achieved honors status on their theory exams and Samantha puts the high honors names in the Clarion. My hope is that this whole process has been streamlined in a way that is super user friendly, and makes the life of your Chapter Chair easier. Happy Fall, everyone!