WSMTA Member Spotlights: March 2024

Lois Rhoads

Okanogan County Chapter

Lois Rhoads has been a member of the Okanogan County Music Teachers Association since 1996. She has held all offices except for treasurer and has done exceptionally well for several years as MAP Chair, introducing new, highly beneficial Visiting Artists for us and our students. Lois has also strengthened our ties with the state association, serving as 2022 Conference Recital Chair, presenting at Leadership Seminars, and co-chairing both the 2023 and 2024 WSMTA Conferences.  Lois’s ever-present spirit of love, acceptance, and calming faith has helped keep our chapter going forward.

Jessica Evotia Andrews-Hall

Sophia Pereyra-Johnston

Seattle Chapter

The Seattle Chapter has elected to celebrate two of our cherished members, Jessica Evotia Andrews-Hall and Sophia Pereyra-Johnston, for the amazing work they’ve put in as the twin pillars of our social committee.

Both excellent teachers and musicians in their own right, Jessica and Sophia have established and entrenched a vibrant, multifaceted event calendar that we’re extremely grateful to have. From attending shows around town with our students to happy hours and holiday parties with our fellow teachers, there’s delight to be had for all involved. Likewise their efforts to connect with and engage our new members ensures the health of our chapter for years to come. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

WSMTA Member Spotlights: December 2023

Meg Krieg, NCTM

Lynden Chapter

Meg Krieg has been a member of the Lynden Chapter since 2000. She has been a member of MTNA since 1990 and is Nationally Certified. Meg has been active in our chapter as Chapter President, Vice President, and MLP Test Proctor. She currently serves as our Vice President which covers lining up our programs with a committee for the year. She has a full studio and has had competition winners play at several WSMTA conferences. She is a wonderful host and has a chapter meeting once a year where we enjoy amazing food, her vintage home and her gardens.

Meg has been our MAP Chair since our founding member Martha Helder passed away in 2008. There are many details to work on holding this job. Meg has to book a Visiting Artist, secure a location, doing the scheduling for our two day event, and be ready to help members with questions and registration. She is there bright and early at the beginning of the day to welcome the VA and make sure all needs are met and comes again at the end of the day to check and see that it was a successful day. Then there is the paper work to the state and final details. We are so thankful for all your encouragement to our members and time given to LMTA. We thank you for all you do.

Dr. Nicole Kim, NCTM

Lake Washington Chapter

Nicole Kim, longtime member of the Lake Washington Chapter, is an indispensable member of our organization. Over the years she has dedicated her time (and space) to many of our events, including organizing our first competition last year to great success.

She has previously served as our President, then Treasurer, and currently serves as a voice of experience on the board as Vice President, bringing a passion for the well-being of the chapter to each meeting.

Dr. Merilyn Jacobson, NCTM

Mt. Rainier Chapter

Merilyn (Mimi) Jacobson has been a member of WSMTA since 1969 and of the Mt. Rainier chapter since 1978 (of which she was a founding member). Mimi has made invaluable contributions to the chapter acting as president, MAP chair and other officer positions. She has been instrumental in recruiting and retaining a number of valuable members and in making our adjudication experience (now MAP) a successful affair year after year by contributing her input and expertise in the organization, from selecting Visiting Artists who are the best fit for our chapter to hosting the event at her beautiful studio (which has also served as a venue for meetings and student and teacher performances throughout the years).

Mimi’s experience as a performer and born pedagogue, the success of her students, and the roles she has fulfilled for WSMTA throughout the decades have left an indelible mark in our chapter and the entire Puyallup Valley region.

Gina Colver

Moses Lake-Central Basin Chapter

Gina Colver is a member of Moses Lake-Central Basin Chapter since 2021. She is our chapter’s secretary. Besides teaching her piano students, Gina plays once a month at Ephrata’s Senior Center. Gina was a piano accompanist for her husband Roy’s school music concerts. Roy passed away on June 1, 2023 after a six-year battle with cancer.

Gina is also a manager at Willow Drive Nursery, where they do apple breeding. Gina always has an inner joy and a positive outlook in life.