Certification Corner

Rose Freeman, WSMTA Certification Chair

What’s new and exciting in your life? My grandpa used to ask me this question when I and I always remember the way he’d ask it.  Last month, the Musical Mountaineers performed in concert to a nearly sold out audience at Benaroya Hall to benefit Washington Trails Association and Northwest Symphony Orchestra. I’ve also been lead rock climbing at my gym to prepare for some summer adventures. Lately, new and exciting also feels quite vulnerable, while also authentic and fulfilling.  I commend each of you who are present with new possibilities in your lives and are listening with your wise heart and what you want to create in the world. Is Certification one of those new possibilities in your life?  

Want to hear the inside scoop about MTNA Certification at the WSMTA Conference this June? I’m looking forward to presenting a program highlighting the five teacher profile projects titled, “3 Steps to Success.” This interactive presentation will empower you with three approachable steps to success.  Invite a friend and join me at my workshop on Friday, June 28th. I’d love to meet you!

I want to take a moment to celebrate two WSMTA members who have received the MTNA Certification in Piano.  Congratulations to Elissa Hust, NCTM and Mary Rose Walker-Lieberman, NCTM! These teachers have completed their five teacher profile projects and are now Nationally Certified Teachers of Music.

I look forward to meeting you at the June Conference in Spokane!


Rose Freeman, NCTM
WSMTA Certification Chair